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Play: The Little Fellow Premieres in Tokyo

Jalani Blankenship is cast in The Little Fellow by Kate Hamill, its Japanese premiere with Tokyo based theatre company Sheepdog Theatre. The play is based off the real-life Harriet Wilson, a 19th century courtesean who uses extortion to get what she is owed.

A woman holding a quill and paper. The Little Fellow performances are July 3-7 at Studio Actre Nakano

Cast: Harriet: Victoria Humpert

Mary: Jalani Blankenship Julia: Yurié Collins

Duke of Wellington: Ian Martin


July 3-7 Studio Actre, Nakano, Tokyo

The play will be performed in English with Japanese subtitles.

Tickets go on sale May 1st Find them here!

See for more details and tickets!

This play includes sexual content, strong language, and adult themes that may be triggering or disturbing to some. Audience discretion is advised.


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